This fine motor activity uses a muffin tray, an age old tool used by Occupational therapists everywhere. For good reason, because the Muffin Tray Rescue activity is the perfect fine motor activity and source of sensory stimulation. We can go...
Sensory Benefits of Obstacle Courses with Guest OT Andrea Doumar
On this episode of the Sensory Corner, we'll be speaking to Andrea Doumar, an OT about how can create a makeshift obstacle course in your home. Especially nowadays with the quarantine, with children being cooped up, with increased screen time,...
The Occupational Parenting Balance with Becky B OT (Free Downloadable)
On today's episode of The Sensory Corner, we'll be speaking with Occupational Therapist, Rebecca Burgess (@beckyb.ot). She'll be going over what exactly is an Occupational Balance for parents. Occupations aren't just unique to children - they apply to all individuals...
Sensory Activities - Ice Cube Painting
Ice Cube Painting is a super simple and easy DIY Sensory Activity to do with your child during these days of quarantine. With arts and crafts stores possibly being closed, getting your hands on paint and paintbrushes might be a...