Eggs are a household staple every family will stock. However, before you throw out your egg cartons, know you can use them for several DIY crafts & activities! In this article, we'll be showing how you can turn any old...
8 Great Toys For Autistic Kids (Ages 5-8)
Playing is a child's occupation. It is what they do ALL day long. It is how they grow, learn and develop. That is why selecting great toys for kids to play with is very important. When selecting a toy for...
Mealtime Strategies for Sensory Picky Eaters with Guest OT Candace Peterson
On today's podcast of the Sensory Corner, we'll be speaking to guest Occupational Therapist, Candace Peterson, based out of Detroit, Michigan and the founder of Nurture OT. For all the parents tuning in, you know if your child has Sensory...
What Is A Sensory Diet With Examples (Free PDF Template Download)
Do you ever find yourself spinning your pencil, tapping your leg or twirling your hair while trying to do work? These are all ways we subconsciously provide our bodies with sensory input in order to be focused and productive. Many...